That fix is titled “Agents of Chaos,” an upcoming two-part documentary from Alex Gibney that will premiere on September 23. HBO unveiled the trailer for the documentary on Monday and though the project covers well-trod territory, “Agents of Chaos” promises to shine a new light on the political controversy. Per HBO, “Agents of Chaos” is a product of years of reporting on Russian interference in the 2016 election. With never-before-seen footage inside the Russian troll farms and videos unearthed from the Russian deep web, the film digs deep into the sophisticated plans to undermine democracy, raising the alarm for the American public, but also proving that these “agents of chaos” weren’t Russians alone; they were also key players in the United States who, through venality, corruption or circumstance, furthered Putin’s goals, with a vulnerable and unsuspecting American public as their target.

The documentary will be available on HBO and to stream on HBO Max. “Agents of Chaos” will feature interviews with a variety of high-profile subjects, several of whom have not gone on the record before. The two-part documentary’s interviewees include lead prosecutor for the Mueller Investigation, Andrew Weissmann; former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe; former CIA Director John Brennan; Donald Trump campaign advisor Carter Page; Trump business associate Felix Sater; Margarita Simonyan, Editor-In-Chief of Russian State News Agency; NSC Senior Director Celeste Wallander, who believes the anti-Clinton hacking operation – led by the GRU, Russia’s Military Intelligence – was approved by Putin himself; and cyber conflict researcher Camille François, who explains how the IRA, Russia’s online influence agency, intended to weaken democratic institutions in the U.S. and create chaos by exploiting existing divisions using Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Instagram. The documentary will hone in on several key topics, such as Paul Manafort’s secret communications with Russia during Trump’s 2016 campaign, how the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Trump came to be, and Barack Obama administration’s failure to stop Russia’s interference, among other issues. Check out the trailer for “Agents of Chaos” below:

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