The gothic psychological thriller captures the dark tale of declining movie star Veronica Ghent (Alice Krige), who enters a healing retreat in rural Scotland with her young nurse Desi (Kota Eberhardt) to recover from a difficult surgery. As Veronica’s body rests, she focuses on her own emotional healing after being haunted by past traumas on movie sets endured as a young girl by the hands of a much older filmmaker, played by Malcolm McDowell.

As Desi and Veronica grow closer, Veronica suddenly unlocks a metaphysical power to enact revenge through her vivid dreams. Rupert Everett also stars. “Charlotte Colbert’s ‘She Will’ powerfully captures the metaphysical horror of trauma and the supernatural power of nature,” executive producer Argento said. “And the greatest horror of all happens in the mind.” Argento added that the film is an “excursion into the world of witchery, madness, and dreams” to create an “intoxicating atmosphere and beautiful, elegant cinema.” “I was impressed by director Charlotte’s portrayal of those worlds,” Argento said. Director Colbert co-wrote the script alongside fellow budding filmmaker Kitty Percy. The screenplay made the 2018 Brit List and was shot on location in Scotland with editor Yorgos Mavropsaridis (“The Favourite”). The tech specs are ace across the board, as the film is shot by Jamie Ramsay (“Moffie”) with an original score by Darren Aronofsky collaborator Clint Mansell. Oscar-winner Alfonso Cuarón said “She Will” “sits in the tradition of great psychological horror films.” Writer/director Colbert said that “She Will” surreally investigates the muscle memory of trauma and how the body carries pain. The filmmaking process was almost as “mystical” as the script itself, with Colbert writing, “The spirits of women past are thanked in the credits as perhaps they were the ones to whisper this dream or nightmare to us.” “She Will” is produced by Jessica Malik and Bob Last, and executive produced by Argento, Edward R. Pressman (“American Psycho”), Sam Pressman, Ed Clarke, Sam Cryer, Hannah Leader, and Thorsten Schumacher.

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