The series was created by filmmaker Jim Mickle, co-creator of SundanceTV’s “Hap and Leonard,” and director of hit genre films such as “Cold in July” and “We Are What We Are.” Mickle serves as executive producer alongside Amanda Burrell, Susan Downey, and Robert Downey Jr. The fantasy series takes place in a world where an apocalyptic event known as “The Great Crumble” leads to a hybrid breed of babies being born with animal characteristics. After living in isolation for 10 years, a hybrid deer-boy (Christian Convery) forms an unlikely friendship with a wandering loner (“Game of Thrones” star Nonso Anozie). Together they set out on a survival adventure, finding allies and enemies, and uncovering the wild and mysterious forest that’s become America.

“We wanted to make a show that offers escape and adventure, where nature is reclaiming the world and in many ways it feels like a fairytale,” Mickle said in a release. “‘Sweet Tooth’ is a new kind of dystopian story, it’s very lush and hopeful. We want people to come into this world where there’s beauty and hope and adventure. This is a sweeping story — we ride on trains, climb mountaintops, run through forests. This is a show about what makes a family, what home really means, and why it’s important to keep faith in humanity.” “Sweet Tooth” was shot in New Zealand, and the lush greenery on display in the trailer promises a visually rich fantasy adventure ripe with beautiful natural landscapes. The makeup and VFX are also on full display, with each adorable hybrid kid displaying unique physical traits of their animal counterparts. The series also has timely relevance, as part of The Great Crumble included a mysterious virus. Netflix will release the first season of “Sweet Tooth” June 4. Check out the enticing first trailer below.

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