The beloved NBC comedy series, which concluded in 2013, launched the careers of Mindy Kaling, B.J. Novak, Krasinski, and catapulted Steve Carell into new heights. Yet Krasinski cleared up how he really views lovable prankster Jim Halpert, his character on the hit show. During an appearance on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,” Krasinski joked, “They’re onto me because I played it as a supervillain,” citing a Movie Web article asking if Jim is the real baddie for the sitcom. “That’s why I did ‘Fantastic Four’ — to balance it out,” Krasinski said. “I had already done the villain.” Umm, excuse us? Krasinski played Reed Richards aka Mr. Fantastic in “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness,” making longtime Marvel fans’ dreams come true. However, does this mean that Krasinski just accidentally let it slip he’ll be leading the upcoming “Fantastic Four” film, slated for a November 8, 2024 release?!

Rumors have circulated in recent weeks leading up to 2022 San Diego Comic Con and this fall’s Disney expo D23 that the highly-anticipated third iteration of the “Fantastic Four” franchise that kicks off the next phase of the MCU could see Krasinski reprise his role (even after, ahem, DYING in one multiverse) of Mr. Fantastic. Audiences for years have been pushing for Krasinski’s real-life partner Emily Blunt to star as Sue Storm aka the Invisible Woman and who is married to Mr. Fantastic. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. Back in 2020, Krasinski told Men’s Health that he was still very interested in joining the MCU and leading a new “Fantastic” reboot. “I would love to be in the Marvel universe,” Krasinski said. “I love those movies because they’re fun, but I also think they’re really well done,” Krasinski gushed. “And certainly a lot of my friends are in those movies. I have no idea what [Marvel is] thinking. But if they are considering me for Mr. Fantastic, continue to consider me because I would love it.” The “Imaginary Friends” writer-director previously revealed to that he’d “jump in” as a director to any Marvel film if MCU boss Feige asked him. “In Kevin [Feige] I trust,” Krasinski said. “That dude is not only the most talented guy, but the nicest guy. Yeah, whatever he wants, we’d discuss it.” Given the fact that Jon Watts exited the “Fantastic Four” film to helm a “Star Wars” series, Krasinski could be pulling double duty both in front of and behind the camera.